Scrollable overflow:auto Elements in Mozilla

Posted by m6w6 on 2nd August 2004 in Mike's sudden inspirations: WEB

Doing some extensive Javascript work lately, I managed to make HTML elements styled with //overflow:auto// scrollable in Mozilla.

Just place this snippet at the bottom of your page with DIV elements that have scroll as classname:

// enable scrolling for overflow:auto elements in Mozilla
function scrollMe(event)
  var st = event.currentTarget.scrollTop;
  st += (event.detail * 12);
  event.currentTarget.scrollTop = st < 0 ? 0 : st;
if (document.body.addEventListener) {
  var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV');
  for (var d in divs) {
    if (divs[d].className && divs[d].className == 'scroll') {
      try {
             'DOMMouseScroll', scrollMe, false);
      } catch (ex) {}

I already posted a feature request to embed something similar in pearweb.